we are playing pecan street festival at 2pm today. maybe it won't be totally the best thing ever, but they have those roast turkey legs and you can bet yer bottom dollar i'm gonna get me one a dem, cept made from that tofurkey concoction.
pecan street fest, on 6th street: austin 2pm
tonight, dallas TX :: the cavern, we are playing at around 9 - 10pm ? we will start the show when it seems like nobody is showing up anymore.
it's directly across from taco c, in case you were wondering.
then we're driving out to atlanta lake state park, just north of lake caddo. camping on the water, waking with the sun, some whiskey. then off east across arkansas and up high into the appalaichans. more camping and whiskey to follow.
then into the super quaker community called celo, in north carolina. we are playing the junior high there. i hear they are fixing us dinner at the junior high.
then chapel hill, where our friend daniel from physics of meaning set us up a show at the night light with ted dancin'. we will be nenamed rhea pearlman for the show.
then straight up to nyc, where we're playing three gigs and recording at WNYU, who has been spinning the new record. we have a few days off and maybe we'll hit rockaway beach and jump around the waves.
then off to boston, to record at WZBC, with ning nong radio, aka jim. i think he's putting us up for the night/ we might be playing the middle east that next night, but no confirmation as of yet.
then i think we're heading up to cape cod, where there's a cabin that willis' great grandfather built or something, and it's on the water and there's a small sailboat and we're gonna hit the waves again.
then on down to philly, where the cool dudes at the blog thing
"yvynyl" have set up a show for us at The Marvelous, a rad record shop. this is the 17th now.
so we have a day off the next day, gonna hit up the country, maybe chill in philly, who knows?
19th we play in pittsburgh with some super cool bands. apparently tobi vail is playing and that's sweet, cuz my friend joey would always jam this bikini kill tape in high school and it was super heavy and made an impression, fo sho.
then we drive to rock island and record at daytrotter, getting the live feeling. after that, maybe stop in bloomington for some cocktails and hit the world's biggest mcdonald's straddling I-35 in oklahoma. if you haven't been there, it's truly insane, depressing, and fascinating, like a much less dramatic and slower version of an atomic bomb exploding in your backyard.
then back to austin for some local fun. we've been recording lots and there's lots more stuff on the way. several albums worth, with styles varying from drone folk to plain folk to american pop and just plain drone.
each record is going to be whatever it is, the energy of that time period we recorded it. hope to have some of you along for the ride.
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