I was scheduled to visit Chicago tomorrow and play some music, but the visit has been complicated by a few factors:
1) nobody else in the band can come
2) my car doesn't work
3) a bus ticket is $250 and the 24hour ride back would mean I miss a 2week work assignment at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
4) my family is celebrating 3 birthdays all together this weekend.
Still, I'd been holding out until the last minute, as is my wont, hoping to make it up there somehow. It won't happen.
I sincerely apologize to The Beat Kitchen, the city of Chicago, and most of all to the Nervous Fingers. We'd been chatting and I asked them to set up the show.
Please visit their website and send them a shout. They are fantastic musicians and great guys.
Nervous Fingers Myspace page==============================================
Also, today we joined forces with a very cool website that is positioning itself to adapt well with this changing music industry.
The website is called RCRD LBL.
A link here.
This is their explanation of what they do:
" Launched in November of 2007, RCRD LBL is an online record label releasing exclusive and completely free music from emerging and established artists to an audience of over 125K unique visitors each month. In addition to our in-house label, our network includes a roster of independent record labels such as Warp, Modular, Kompakt, and Dim Mak offering free MP3 downloads and multimedia content. The site is a joint venture between Downtown Records (Gnarls Barkley, Cold War Kids) and online media pioneer Peter Rojas (Engadget, Gizmodo, Weblogs, Inc.), and combines the allure of downloading services with the resources of a great independent record label and the editorial credibility of a trusted music blog. "
Exciting times.